Stress e fumo come rischi modificabili nella lombalgia nelle donne

Secondo questo studio si conferma la relazione tra fumo di sigaretta, stress e lombalgia nelle donne.
Role of Stress and Smoking as Modifiable Risk Factors for Non-persistent and Persistent Back Pain in Women.

Schmelzer AC1, Salt E, Wiggins A, Crofford LJ, Bush H, Mannino DM.

Author information

1[Black Square][Black Square][Black Square][Black Square].


The purpose of this study was to examine the association between smoking and stress with non-persistent and persistent back pain.


Subjects included 3703 women who participated in the Kentucky Women’s Health Registry in 2008 and 2011. Multivariate logistic regression modeling was used to examine whether smoking status and stress levels were predictive of non-persistent and persistent back pain, controlling for sociodemographic characteristics.


Stress level was associated with both non-persistent and persistent back pain, while smoking was associated with only persistent back pain. Current smokers were 1.5 times more likely to report persistent back pain compared to never smokers, controlling for age, race, body mass index, educational attainment, and employment status. Women experiencing large or overwhelming amounts of stress were 1.8 times more likely to have non-persistent back pain and 1.6 times more likely to report persistent back pain, compared to women experiencing small amounts of stress.


This study further substantiates the findings of prior research which describes a significant relationship between back pain, stress, and smoking. Understanding the role of modifiable risk factors (i.e., smoking and stress) and their impact on back pain provides an opportunity to offer a comprehensive and tailored treatment plan.